Ian Forrester on his cubicgarden.com blog
The amount of times I have received a message from someone on Linkedin, Facebook msg, Twitter direct message (which I don’t think works anymore – as you can imagine)., etc, etc. They all end up in my inbox and its super useful but sometimes I need to look at the little icon to then figure out what I should do next.
Should I treat it as serious, should I reply straight away or not worry too much. This is very apt when you are getting linkedin or twitter DMs. This is similar for Facebook messages.
It also affects the way you reply too, should I reply in my usual laidback style, should I add emojis, should I write a lot back, voice reply, etc etc.
One of the most frustrating ways that platforms have shaped our internet behavior is that they are the frame to which we prescribe context.
The irony is that the platforms themselves have been collapsing context for a decade now, as they all create experiences that average toward some sort of mean.
LinkedIn is a great example. With every passing day the content & engagement on it looks more and more like every other social network out there.
This begs the question, what should shape our context? [
Context collapse with Beeper
I have been meaning to write about context collapse with beeper for a long while. I have written about Beeper previously.. In short Beeper is a messaging client which takes advantage of Matrix̵…
Cubicgarden.com…View all posts by Ianforrester
Context collapse with Beeper, by Ian Forrester